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  • Writer's pictureelevationaesthetic

Sound A"peel"ing?

Dear Mountain Dwellers,

Have you ever had a facial? If not why? Until a couple of years ago, neither had I. Once I did, I found out what I was missing. While it is a great way to pamper yourself, it can be so much more. A few of the top benefits of a medical grade facial with dermaplaning and peel are the following:

1. Exfoliation to remove dead, rough skin cells for a smoother complexion.

2. Improves radiance but revealing fresh healthy cells.

3. Nourishes and hydrates the skin

4. Treats a host of conditions such as: mild acne scarring, superficial hyperpigmentation, rough dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles.

I invite you to try a medical grade facial with dermaplaning and peel, customized to your individual needs to reveal your best skin!

Warm regards,

Holly Andersen, RN BSN ElevAtion Aesthetics

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